ConCrew Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Convention and can choose to host scheduled games in the Hosted Gaming area to fulfill part or all of their minimum time requirement.
There are perks:
50% off admission | Exclusive FallCon 37 t-shirt | Appreciation Party and other exclusive game days throughout the year
There are requirements:
Agree to the ConCrew Contract | Volunteer for a minimum of 7 hours | Attend a mandatory Orientation session | Review or refresh the 5-step FallCon Teaching Method at a training session
How to host a game as ConCrew:
Guest Hosts are attendees who want to teach a scheduled game in the Hosted Gaming area area but are not full ConCrew volunteers.
As they are not ConCrew volunteers, there is no minimum time requirement.
There are 2 requirements:
How to host a game as ConCrew:
Attendees can informally schedule games in the Open Gaming area through our convention software. The software shares the games with all other attendees, who can then join your game and meet up at the convention to play together. These games are not official FallCon hosted events, nor are they taught by a FallCon Game Host volunteer, they are simply a means of coordinated like-minded individuals together on the convention floor for a game.